Pat & Ray Oxenford

The Reading Eagle’s article called “Treasure Hunt, New art done the old way” by Mary Young on February 4, 2015 describes how she discovered the Oxenford’s Folk Art. She talks about Pat’s tole painting from her start to 1972 to her 1998 recognition in Early American Life magazine as one of the top 200 traditional craftsmen to her current work. Ray’s woodworking, tinsmithing and restoration of old clocks are described. Their work together makes beautiful reproductions.

Lewis Everline

Lewis Everline, a long time member of our chapter, appeared in the Reading Eagle in an article titled “Talent of Woodchucks benefits Habitat for Humanity of Berks County” on December 12, 2014. Lewis specialized in tree ware and is a wonderful entertainer with his storytelling. He appeared as our entertainment at our Holiday Social. He volunteers in the Woodchucks, who work on various woodworking projects that are sold to benefit the Habitat for Humanity.