
Nov. 3 General Meeting 7PM, Board Meeting: 6 PM

The Reading-Berks Guild of Craftsmen’s Holiday Festival was a great success! Come to our General meeting on Tuesday, November 3, 7 PM at the Goggle works to get details.

Tuesday’s program will be “If Coins Could Talk” by Barb Gooding.

There will be a brief Board meeting before the general meeting, starting at 6 PM.

Unknown         Holiday Social

Reading-Berks Holiday Social will be held at Yellow House Hotel on Dec. 1, at 6 PM.

Details for the Holiday Social:
Where: Yellow House Hotel, 6743 Boyertown Pike, Douglassville, PA 19518
When: Dec. 1, 2015 Cash Bar open at 6 PM, Dinner served Promptly at 6:30 PM

Meal Includes: Choice of Main course

(Sirloin Steak $25, Seafood Sizzler $31, Chicken Picatta $25, Vegetarian $20)

Italian Wedding Soup
Tossed Salad
Stuffed Baked Potato
Vegetable du jour

Dessert — apple pie with ice cream

Tax and Tip will be paid by Reading-Berks of Craftsmen

Holiday Social is open to all members and their guests. Sign up at the Nov. 3rd meeting or call Matt Vardjan to sign-up at 610-689-5324.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!