We now have a blog, with the latest news whether it is a meeting cancellation due to weather (we hope those are over for 2015!) to the latest news on our upcoming festival.

We have a new searchable membership directory. It contains the members, their craft, website and hometown. Need to contact a craftsman? Send a note to us using Contact Us. We also have a new members Gallery. We are still collecting photos from our members so check back often to see what is new.

We have more information about our Festivals. Visit the Festival pages, we have made it easier to see our Exhibitor’s List, Demonstrations, Videos, to print coupons, get directions and so much more! We have also made it easier for our exhibitors to get information they may need with our new Info for Exhibitors.

If you want to know more about Reading-Berks Guild of Craftsmen visit the Our Guild pages, we have details on our community outreach, education programs and so much more!

We’ve created an area for member resources, these pages include our standards, newsletter archives, important links to areas of the website like the monthly meetings, even how to order a new badge!

There is a newsroom for press releases and items that have been in the press. We hope to continue to expand this area overtime.

We also have some new buttons. Join takes you to a page giving tell you how to join our guild. Search takes you to our searchable membership list. Email us takes you to our contact us page with a dropdown menu of topics so that your email gets to the correct person faster. Of course, we have a Facebook link and a signup for our festivals emails link.

Did I mention lots more photos? We are very excited about putting some faces to our guild website. Have fun exploring!