Our Spring Show was this past weekend. Despite the rain during set up, colder weather and strong winds, our show was a success. Come to the Tuesday, April 5th meeting to hear more about the show. Our program will be Matt Vardjan telling us all about Flintknapping.
May is a fieldtrip to Boyertown Museum of Historic Vehicles, 85 S. Walnut Street, Boyertown, PA 19512, please be there at 7 PM. $6 fee
Directions from Reading: Business 422 to 562 East. Follow 562 into Boyertown. Turn left onto Third Street, to the parking lot on left. See their website: www.boyertownmuseum.org for more information.
June’s Picnic will be at Fish Pond West, Inc. at 6 PM. This new location offers close parking and indoor facilities. Be sure sign up to bring a side dish or dessert. Sign up sheets will be at general meetings or by contacting Matt at vmatt@dejazzd.com GPS: 200 Swiftwater Lane, Leesport, PA 19601
Located at the End of Swiftwater Lane in Bern Township.
Directions from Road to Nowhere: Take Rt. 222 (road to nowhere), go North on Rt. 183 to the 1st traffic light, turn left onto W. Leesport Ave. At the stop sign, turn right onto County Rd. Proceed past the prison and Ag Center to stop sign at Palisades Drive, turn left onto Palisades Dr. Turn right at the next road Swiftwater Lane. Follow to end.
Directions from State Hill Road: Take State Hill Road to Ganly’s Pub & Deli, turn right onto Reber’s Bridge Road. Proceed down the hill and cross iron bridge. Make a left turn onto Palisades Dr., at next road Siftwater Lane, turn left. Follow to end.
Speed limits are strictly enforced in this area.
July: No meeting, please come see 20 plus of our members at the Kutztown Folk Festival.
Newly Juried Member: Cathleen Stephen in Jewelry, free form bead embroidery.
We presented awards to many of the senior BCIU students in March. You can see all of the winners on the education page.
Our new Sunshine Girl is Judy Boyer. Please send her any information on a member who may need a little sunshine in their life or has good news to share. Her e-mail is tjboyer@1860woodco.com and phone number is 484-248-6275.