Happy New Year!
The Reading-Berks Guild of Craftsmen board wishes you and your family a Very Happy New Year!
Did you Renew your Membership?
If you have been a member of the Guild for over 5 years, your renewal date is December 31. If you have joined in the last few years, your renewal date is whatever date you joined. Unsure, please double check especially if you are a Master Craftsman. The state did have issues sending out renewal notices, some people got e-mails others did not. You can pay for your dues by calling the state 717-431-8706 and giving them your credit card number.
If you are a life member, you will need to print the renewal form from the state website, fill it out and get it to Carol Haile so she can pay the dues to the state for our life members. Questions, please contact Carol Haile: 610-374-7048. State life members will just need to update their information with the State by calling 717-431-8706.
Make a New Year’s Resolution to Come to Guild Meetings!
We have fun at our meetings, make a resolution to join us! Next meeting, Tuesday, January at 7 PM at the GoggleWorks. Check the board in the lobby for room number!
Snow or Ice?
We will send out an e-blast and/or update the blog on the homepage of the website rbcrafts.org if a meeting has been canceled in the case of ice, snow or other reason.
Get Juried
Next jury session will be the 2nd Tuesday in March. You must be a member for 3 months to be eligible. More information and application is on rbcrafts.org.
Louise Mehaffey: Standards Chair