3rd Quarter 2017 Newsletter:

Reading-Berks Guild of Craftsmen will not be issuing a 3rd Quarter Newsletter. Instead we will be continuing to issue monthly updates, our president and board members will write longer columns when there is a need. If you would like more formal Quarterly Newsletters to continue, please write the editor at info@rbcrafts.org

Upcoming Events:

September 5th, 2017: Goggle Works 7 PM: The PA Guild of Craftsmen President, Dan Hayward, will be giving the status of the state guild. He will take questions from the floor. Please come to the meeting and make him feel welcomed.

Program Chair: Matt Vardjan

Presidents Message:

As summer is coming to a very fast close, I am looking to the future for our Guild. As we are gearing up for the show season for many of us, I hope you have sent in your application for the Reading-Berks Guild of Craftsmen’s 68th annual juried Holiday Fine Arts and Crafts Festival for November 4 and November 5 at the O’Pake Fieldhouse at Kutztown university. The application is on our website at rbcrafts.org. I cannot emphasize the importance of our guild members participating in this show. We are getting many compliments on this show as evidenced by our appearance on Facebook. Our patrons are excited about this show. We again have the first weekend in November which traditionally is a big weekend for shopping for the Holidays. Our entertainment and our decorations will help set the mood. The addition of the Goldilocks Project to our Pick-A-Prize raffle table will be a very special attraction for all. So don’t delay any longer; get your application in for this show. Your beautiful crafts belong under everyone’s Christmas tree this season BUT that can’t happen if you are not here. Hope to see you on Tuesday, September 5 at 7:00 PM at the Goggleworks for our general meeting. Get together with your fellow craftsmen and enjoy a unique program under the direction of Matt Vardjan and let your voice be heard at our general meeting which immediately follows our program.

“Worry is l ike a rocking chair, it gives you something to do but never gets you anywhere.” Erma Bombeck “So, get out of the chair and come to our meeting”

Your President Barry L. Bennecoff. I hope to see you there.


On September 20 at 7:00 PM please tune into BCTV’s “Your Berks Craftsmen” and see Terry and Judy Boyer, Co-chairpersons of this year’s Holiday Show. They will talk about all the Hoopla that is surrounding this year’s show and will have a few craftsmen with a sneak preview of what will be at the Holiday FIne Arts and Crafts Festival on Nomveber 4 and 5, now in its 68th year. REMINDER: BCTV’s Octoberfest Auction which happens the week of October 16 appreciates all the donations of beautiful crafts they have received to date. Please bring your donations to the general meeting and I will get them into the studio. BCTV is such a great friend to our Guild and supporting their cause with a beautiful crafted item for Thursday, October 19 is a great way to support BCTV; plus you the craftsman get some great publicity. You can also take your donation into the studio. A big thank you for all your support. Kay

Kay Bennecoff, Host of “Your Berks Craftsmen”


The next Jury Session is Tuesday, Sept. 12th. Please contact Louise Mehaffey for more information about the process and to sign up. Or go to https://rbcrafts.org/our-guild/standards/ for explanation and the application.

Standards chair: Louise Mehaffey, eglassplace@gmail.com

Opportunities for Members:

Jenny Black has a 3 sided booth that one of the members, Anne Lauter Gerhart, was so kind to give her many years ago. She is willing to pass this along to a member who needs one. You will need to pick up the booth at her house in Bernville (area of former Blue March Ski Slope. Please contact her directly at blacks@comcast.net or shadesbyjenny@comcast.net or by text on 610-301-9438

Jon Harrington has a Professional Pipe & Drape Set-up, in excellent condition, for sale. The price is $450. This is less than half its cost. Please contact him at HHWoodArt@verizon.net.

We had a grand time at our August Outing!

Note from Editor:
Sorry if there are mistakes or I left anything out. Editor: Sandra Jones Contact me at info@rbcrafts.org for anything that should go in the October Update!