Message from the President:
Since I just finished cutting my grass for the first time in 2018, I believe it is safe for me to say, “Welcome Spring” brief pause….at last! It’s been a long winter but your Guild is gearing up and we are full steam ahead! Kicking off the season we have partnered with “Artisans in the Park” on May 5 to do an outdoor event and help the Friends of Conrad Weiser Homestead. Looking forward to reuniting with our Guild members as vendors or supporters from 9 am to 4 pm in this beautiful park. Just a reminder, yes, we got our date for our Holiday Festival, November 3 and 4; so, get your application in, deadline for discount is May 31, 2018.
“Spring is nature’s way of saying ‘Let’s Party!'” Robin Williams
Your President, Barry L. Bennecoff
Our Holiday Show is November 3-4. We are working hard to make this your best 2 day show of the season! Apply Now to save $10 on your booth!
Shows, Terry & Judy Boyer
May 1, Monthly Meeting, 7 PM at the GoggleWorks: Steve Hunter will teach us how to use YouTube to make videos of creating our work.
June 5, Spring Picnic, 6 PM at the Vardjan Homestead: 504 Covered Bridge Road, Oley, PA 19597. Please sign up so we know how many people to expect. Indicate the dish you wish to bring, this will keep us from having only deviled eggs and no desserts. Guild will supply hot dogs, hamburgers, chips and soft drinks. BYOB
July, NO Meeting. Many of our members including myself will be at the Kutztown Folk Festival demonstrating our work and hopefully selling some of our work!
Programs, Matt Vardjan
We will be visiting with Sandy Gebhart and Jeff Nathan of Gebhart Silversmiths on May 16, 2018 on “Your Berks Craftsmen” We taped at the Kutztown Folk Festival and they will be live in our studio that night, again, taking us into the world of jewelry making.
Stay tuned, Your Host, Kay Bennecoff
Mini-Grant Winners are: Barry Bennecoff, Sandra Jones, Jodi Bryza-Stevenson, and Louise Mehaffey. We look forward to their presentations in 2019!
Education: Carol Haile
Barbara Horst`s husband Larry passed away unexpectedly on Feb 23. For more information.
For Sale:
SHOW BOOTH FOR SALE: 13 heavy black felt covered panels. Each panel measures 2′ x 6’3″ for total of 26’. Can be set up in different configurations. Includes hardware and 3 clip on lights. Great for new craftmen!! $120.00 Call Louise at 610-683-9368 or email:
Louise Hutchings
House: After 30 years of living, working and making art in Berks County my husband Jim and I are moving closer to family. We would like to share this with you as our property is for sale. This might be the perfect place for one of your members to live and work. The property is an acre and forty perches. It includes 2 story renovated Circa 1864 farmhouse, a 840 sq ft heated studio with electric and water. It is zoned CR which means business is allowed.
If anyone is interested they can find the property on Zillow. The address is 949 Maidencreek Rd Fleetwood 19522.
Ruth Malenda
610 246 1925
Next Juried Session is the second Tuesday in September. Application and Information on the Jurying Process can be found on
Standards: Louise Mehaffey
Happy to help:
Need to inform our membership of something or sale something? We are happy to help. Send your requests to Newsletter editor: Sandra Jones