President’s Message:

This will be a short message as I know many of you are extremely busy preparing for our 69th Annual Holiday Fine Arts and Craft Festival on November 3 and 4 at Kutztown University and if you did not get  your application in yet, there is still time.  Go to and fill out the application.  And while you are there, check out our TV commercial for Comcast viewers which will be airing two weeks before our Holiday Festival.  Your show committee has been working diligently and with great enthusiasm to get the word out about our 69th annual Fine Arts and Craft Festival .  Patrons will be looking for you, so don’t be left out in the cold.
      Looking forward to seeing our members at our next general meeting on October 2, 2018,  at the Goggleworks at 7:00 PM and our November general meeting will be held on Sunday morning, November 4 at 9:00 AM,  just before we open the second day of our festival at 10:00 AM.   At this meeting we will be holding the election of officers for our guild. A big thank-you to Bill Scheirer, Bob Ballantyne and Matt Vardjan; they make up our nominating committee for this year.
“When your work speaks for itself, don’t interrupt.”
Henry J. Kaiser

Your President,  Barry L. Bennecoff

November 3rd & 4th

Holiday Show:

Hello Everyone,

As you know, the Holiday Show is just around the corner.   Did you get your application in yet?   After October 1, there will be a late fee, but if you bring your application to our October General Meeting, we will waive the late fee.

Our cable advertisement will begin in mid-October, preview it now:

Donations for the holiday show Pick-A-Prize raffle are still being accepted.  Please bring your item to the October meeting or email Jodi Stevenson, , with your item details and drop it off at the raffle area during show set up.

Thank you so very much,

Terry & Judy Boyer
Show Chairs
484-650-7500 home
610-401-5770 cell

Apply Now
Volunteers Needed for the Holiday Festival
November 3rd & 4th

We need help at the Admissions Table, Raffle Table and at the show’s end (Tear down of curtains, cafe tables, etc).   We need volunteers especially on Saturday, morning, November 3rd.

Do you know someone coming to the show to shop who might like to help us for an hour or two?   Or to sit your booth while you are volunteering?

Members who are not doing the show are encouraged to volunteer.   It is a great way to see all of your guild friends and help out your chapter!

Contact Carol Haile
(610) 374-7048


A very special announcement for Reading-Berks members and everyone out there:  BCTV’s Octoberfest Auction starts the week of October 15.  This is a terrific way to support a great friend of our Guild and there are very special items to be had each night of the week.  Of course, Thursday, October 18 you will want to tune in to The Art and Crafts night.  BCTV is so grateful for all the wonderful donations our craftsmen and artists have donated to them for this very important week at BCTV.  So don’t be bashful, show your support and bid, bid, bid!

Your Host for “Your Berks Craftsmen”,  Kay Bennecoff
P.S.  Next month in November, we will be doing our decorating show for the Holidays, so if anyone wants to come on the show to share their fabulous ideas and get into the Holiday spirit, let me know.  Oh what fun it is to be in a spot on BCTV!!


The October meeting program will fetcher our 2017 mini-grant winners, Bill Jones, Brenda Wilton and Louise Mehaffey. They will be talking about what they used the winnings for and how it will help them with their crafts. We will also fetcher our latest juried craftsman:  Mark Hoffman.
The November meeting will be held on Sunday, November 4th at our Holiday Show at the Kutztown University Field House at 9 AM.   Our 2019-2020 board members will be elected at this meeting.
We will be having the December Holiday Social at The Yellow House Hotel. Cash bar at 6:00, meal served promptly at 6:30, entertainment by Kieth Brintzenhoff. Prices and sign up sheets will be available soon.

Programs  Chair, Matt Vardjan


Congratulations to Mark Hoffman, whose wood turning and wood working achieved juried status.
Our next juried session will be in March, 2019.

Standards  Chair, Louise Mehaffey

Get Juried


General Meetings:

October 2nd:     7 PM GoggleWorks

November 4th:   9 AM at the Holiday Show, KU Field house,
November 6th:   NO Meeting.  See you on the 4th.

December 4th:   6:00 PM Holiday Party, Yellow House Hotel


Holiday Festival:  November 3rd & 4th, KU Field house

Want to add something to next month’s Newsletter

If you would like something added to our Newsletter,  please contact Sandra Jones at