President’s Message:
It is obvious that Spring has not sprung and that Groundhog just went back into hibernation and now we have to contend with this!. Hoping to see our members on Tuesday at the Goggleworks for our general meeting. (Weather permitting) The BCIU art show display is amazing, something you will surely want to see. And remember, all our members who will have a booth at our 70th Holiday show and attend our monthly general meetings have a chance to have their name drawn and entered into the drawing in October to win a free regular booth at this event. (Just another great reason for coming out to our general meetings) Bottom line is we miss you and want to see you!

“Out of clutter, find simplicity” Albert Einstein

Your President, Barry L. Bennecoff

Holiday Show:
Stayed tuned for the official date for our 70th Annual Holiday Fine Art and Craft Festival. We have our fingers crossed for the first weekend in November. We will send out an e-mail blast with the application link as soon as the date is official!

Thank you so very much,

Terry & Judy Boyer
Show Chairs
484-650-7500 home
610-401-5770 cell

This month “Your Berks Craftsmen” will feature highlights from the BCIU Art Show here at the Goggleworks. Carol Haile has gotten some very interesting interviews which she completed on judging day and she will interview students at the Awards Ceremony on March 3. So tune in on Wednesday, March 20, 2019 at 7:00 PM. Remember if you do not have Comcast, please watch this month on your computer at Our monthly show is always played several times throughout the month and up until our next monthly show

Your BCTV host, Kay Bennecoff

Our program this month will consist of a tour of the student art show submitted by our local high schools. Come see the future artist and craftsmen of our Guild. As we tour the gallery, our jurying team will highlight out award winners and how the committee picks our winners. There were some wood crafted items this year which have been missing from the competition for the past several years. This enabled our Guild to make the Dick Loper Memorial award. Each year we present ten craft awards and two fine arts awards. Be here to see the winners.

April’s program will include our newly juried members. It is always a treasure to hear from people who are excited about getting juried.

Vickie Heffner will be presenting on Indians of PA at our May meeting.

June, of course, is our picnic. More information to come in the next newsletter on how to sign up!

Programs Chair, Matt Vardjan

The BCIU Student Awards Ceremony is Sunday, March 3 from 1-3, snow date March 10.

2019 Stanley G. Seltz Student Award Winners: (To see images of work go to

The Burkhart-Gerhart Family Award: Ann Davila, Schuylkill Valley, $100

The Hedwig Miller Fiber Award: Olivia Chaplin, Boyertown, $100

The Ruthanne Hartung 2-Dimensional Award: Maya Simms, Exeter, $100

The Richard M. Loeper Memorial Award: Tim Hornbuckle, Fleetwood, $100

The Wib Lauter Award for Best Traditional Work: Tyler Barth, Fleetwood, $100

The Stanley G. Seltz Award for Outstanding Achievement in Design and Craftsmanship:
Devin Stark, Oley Valley, $100

1st Place – Crafts: Itzimba Campanur Caro, Antietam, $100

2nd Place – Crafts: Ariana Shchuka, Exeter, $75

3rd Place – Crafts: Dalila Martinez, Berks Career & Tech. Ctr., $50

1st Place – Fine Arts:Crystal Santana, Reading-Muhlenberg Career & Tech. Ctr., $100

2nd Place – Fine Arts: Briana Leeson, Daniel Boone, $75

Education Chair, Carol Haile

Our next jury session is Tuesday, March 12. Room will be open at 6:30. Any standards committee members who can’t come, please let me know. If you would like to get juried, you must be a member for 3 months and fill out an application. Click here for the application and more information.

Standards Chair, Louise Mehaffey

Reminder Mini-Grant Applications must be submitted by March 18, 2019 and you must be at the April General Meeting on Tuesday, April 2, 2019 to receive the award. The application can be found on

Education Chair, Carol Haile

German Goose Feather Tree Class:
Class offered for making a Goose Feather Tree. 24″ tree, all supplies included. Two 3 hour sessions in my home to complete your tree. 2 openings left. March 16, and March 30 from 12:30 to 3:30. Cost for both sessions $30. Cost for supplies $40.00.
For all details contact Carol Wardell, or 717-626-6311. She will e-mail you with detailed information.

General Meetings:
March 5th: 7 PM GoggleWorks
April 2nd: 7 PM GoggleWorks
May 7th: 7 PM GoggleWorks
June 4th: Annual Picnic

Want to add something to next month’s Newsletter
If you would like something added to our Newsletter, please contact Sandra Jones at