Reminder:  No Meeting in July

President’s Message:

Well, we are finally in the “Green”; to me that means let’s stop being “blue” for all the things we can’t do and get outside in the “green,” move around, get lots of fresh air and make the most out of this locked down situation.  As craftsmen we have had plenty of time and I know you all have plenty of talent so I know there are a lot of wonderful new creations for our patrons to see.  I have requested a meeting with the University staff to see what the status and rules will be for our upcoming show.   We will keep you updated.   I am hoping we can finally have a board and show meeting the end of July  and our regular meeting in August with safety measures in place.  Keeping our fingers crossed.  We will keep you updated, please read your newsletter for updates.   We are all hoping all our members are doing well and we know you are ready to get back to our “new normal”.  Keep your fingers crossed.

Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.”  H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Your President,  Barry L. Bennecoff


Yes, Kay is becoming a little more “techy” every day and I guess I have Covid-19 to thank for that.  (I am not thanking the Covid but I am saying thanks to the great staff at BCTV.  They help me a lot!). Last month “Your Berks Craftsmen” was from Barry’s shop and home while I did the videography.

This month we will do a “Zoom-Your Berks Craftsmen” and I will be visiting Denise Wilz in her studio (virtually). Denise is a  Pennsylvania redware potter and she will be discussing and demonstrating her craft right there in her studio.  Moving forward with “Your Berks Craftsmen” it is likely that we may be doing these zoom studio visits for the next few months.  I will be calling our craftsmen who have agreed to be a “star” and we will work out the details.  Technology is great!

“Your Berks Craftsmen” airs on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM on Comcast.  You can also watch on or catch it on “YouTube”.

I also spoke with Heather Adams from BCTV today because Barry and I had some concern about BCTV’s Octoberfest auction for this year.  Heather said they are going to have the auction this year but it will be definitely different this year, again due to Covid 19.  BCTV depends on these donations from us and a lot of other businesses to make their auction successful but Heather stated they also realize how badly the Covid has affected our craftsmen and small businesses negatively.  If you can donate to BCTV this year, please get in touch with me or Heather.  Heather said call her at the station at 610-374-3065, extension 1.  She will be glad to talk to you and answer any questions.

Your BCTV Host, Kay Bennecoff


August:  We will hopefully be able to get together and socialize at The Den by Sly Fox at the GoggleWorks 1st floor at 7:00 PM.  Come early to get your order in.   It should be a grand time!  I look forward to seeing all my guild friends.Programs  Chair, Matt Vardjan


The next jury session is scheduled for Tues, Sept 8 at the Goggleworks.  Members who have belonged to our chapter for a minimum of 3 months are eligible to present their work for jurying. The room will be open at 6:30, and jurying will begin at 7:00. Members will be asked to leave before jurying begins, and can return in 1- 1 1/2 hours for the results. Check the board at the entrance of the Goggleworks for the room #. For more information or for an application, go to or contact Louise at  This is assuming the Goggleworks will be open for meetings by then.

Standards  Chair, Louise Mehaffey



Apply now 


At this point we are working to have a wonderful show this November. We meet monthly and are doing these meetings via Zoom. We have around half of the needed vendors signed up all ready, this number is just a bit behind last year. At this point we are planing on a great show. Of course there is one small problem we have to deal with, COVID 19. We do not know what our show will look like under Green, this will be dictated by how the University understands our event fits into the guidelines. It will be impossible at this time to guess. Of course one option is no show . If this happens all booth fees will be returned, but we are hoping for the best but also planning for the worst.

Please  send in your show application now, when our show runs it will be much in demand for vendors due to the limited  venues this fall.

Show  Chair, Steve Hunter


General Meetings: (1st Tuesday of Month)
August 4th:  The Den by Sly Fox at the GoggleWorks 1st floor at 7:00 PM
September 1st:  GoggleWorks 7:00 PM
October 6th:  GoggleWorks 7:00 PM
November Sunday, 1st:  KU Field house (at the show) 9:00 AM
December 1st:  Holiday Party at Yellow House


Holiday Festival:   Saturday October 31 and Sunday November 1st,  KU Field house


The Reading-Berks Guild of Craftsmen now has an Instagram account.  Our name is rbcraftsguild, so check it out.  Right now there are only a few photos, but more will be added over time.  If you have an instagram account and would like our chapter to follow you, let me know your iInstagram name and please follow us.  If you would like your photo included, send us one, if you haven’t already!


FREE to good home!  A bag of small carpet squares, to use under the legs of tables, etc. to protect the floor.  Contact Louise Mehaffey

Want to add something to next month’s Newsletter

If you would like something added to our Newsletter,  please contact Sandra Jones at