Quick Note from the President:

Happy Fourth of July!!!!  Independence Day is a great day to celebrate our independence from staying at home and not being able to get out and do things.  May I suggest you get out and mail in your application for our 71st Holiday Fine Art and Craft Festival that takes place on November 6th and 7th; deadline for the discount is July 5.  Shows are happening.  Please check out Lancaster and Haverford Guilds for their upcoming shows.  For PA Guild shows contact Carol Heister-Lawson at PAguildshows@gmail.com.  Our PA Guild is looking for craftsmen to do chapter booths also. A chapter booth is a great way to try out the state level shows.

Our first in-person general meeting in a very long time will occur on August 3, 2021 at 7:00 PM at the Goggleworks.  Hoping to see a lot of you there.

“Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion.  You must first set yourself on fire.”     Fred Shero

Your President,  Barry L. Bennecoff

PS. Another opportunity for craftsmen is The Traditional Arts and Heritage Center Festival at the Walk-In Art Center in Schuylkill Haven on September 18.   Email folklorist@walkinartcenter.com for details.


71st Annual
Fine Art & Craft Festival
November 6 & 7

Apply before July 4th,
to receive the discount!



General Meetings: (1st Tuesday of Month):

No General meeting in July, 2021

August 3, 2021:  General Meeting-7:00 PM (IN PERSON)


November 6 & &, 2021:  71st Annual Holiday Fine Art & Craft Festival