President’s Message:

Are we really having six more weeks of winter?  One day it is 60 degrees and the next day we find ourselves in the middle of a white-out snow squall.   But no matter what the weather, things are happening with your Reading-Berks Guild, so get on board.  On Tuesday, March 1 at 7:00 PM you will be entertained by Mr. Robert Fleck and his program is called “Going Native”.  Matt is very excited about having been able to book Mr. Fleck for our Guild.  Our Spring show is right around the corner and sure to be a crowd pleaser.  If you have not signed up yet, please get your application in soon.  I have post cards for our Spring Show for you to pick up at our general meeting.  Help us to spread the word about our Spring Show on Saturday, May 7, 2022, from 9 AM to 3 PM at Renninger’s Farmer’s Market.   And if you are not participating in the show as a craftsman or artist, come out and support the show and your fellow craftsmen and artists.   I am so pleased to be able to talk about the return of the Kutztown Folk Festival (for real) July 2 through July 10, 2022.  It is returning in its entirety with all the great things you have come to expect and many new elements that will delight both young and old.  There are a few openings for craftsmen so if you are interested please go to and fill out the application.  We have a great association with The Kutztown Folk Festival and many of our juried craftsmen participate in this festival.

So as you see, your Reading-Berks Guild is active and we like to get the word out about our fine craftsmen and artists and what they are doing.  So don’t be shy.  Tell us what you are doing.  Send us pictures and show us what you are doing.   Reach us at   Together, we will make 2022 the year of the craft and fine art revolution!

Just a reminder, don’t forget to renew your state membership when it is due.

The first step toward getting somewhere is to decide you are not going to stay where you are.”         J. P. Morgan

Your President,  Barry L. Bennecoff



Our West has been called “the most American part of America, and, over the centuries, the “West” has been the Tidewater, Piedmont, Appalachians, the Mississippi, and all the way to the Pacific.  At every geographic juncture, the West presented the next new frontier, that place where our Euro-American ancestors said “savagery met civilization.”  Today, most of us are more discerning with our words, and we know, at times, it was hard to know who was the savage, but there is and was no doubt that those “civilized newcomers” could learn a great deal from the “so-called” savages.

From a new vocabulary, to the clothes and shoes they wore, trade goods, food, and ways of war, to name five of life’s aspects, on the next frontier, Euro-Americans, slowly but surely, saw themselves GOING NATIVE!

A little about our speaker Bob Fleck:   Years walking the family farm, on land the Susquehannock and Lenni Lenape knew, and four prior generations of teachers pointed Bob Fleck, 70, toward a lifetime of study, learning, teaching, and appreciation of the Native peoples who inhabited North America and contributed and still contribute so much to what became the people and culture of the United States of America. Educated in Berks County’s public schools, Bob earned his B.S., in Education, with an emphasis in American History and his M.A, in American History, from Kutztown State College. For over thirty-five years, he taught history and other social studies, at Exeter Township Senior High School.

As an historical re-enactor, portraying various personae, from 1750 into the 1830s, Bob has spent many hours exploring, studying, and living the lives of the Lenni Lenape and Euro-Americans, as they met, lived with, and adapted to the new and strange cultures that confronted both peoples.

Program Chair,  Matt Vardjan


Our Spring outdoor show planning is coming along nicely!  We have a Show Media team that is doing a great job.   They have asked that not only our members doing the show help get the word out but also all of our members.  Let’s make this event great for our Guild!

From the Media Team:

Help us promote our Spring show, at Renninger’s Farmer’s Market, on May 7th. Go to our Facebook page, and click on the Spring Show Event. Once you are on the event page you can click on the Going button. You can make your choice visible to your friends on Facebook, you will then be able to Invite any or all of your friends to the Event. You can also simply click the Share button for the Spring Show posting, and share it to your page. Thank you for helping us have a successful show.

Show Chair,  Steve Hunter


This month “Your Berks Craftsmen” will take a visit to the studio of Steve Hunter.  Steve will share with us what it takes to throw a piece of wet clay on a potter’s wheel and turn it into a beautiful and functional piece of art that we use every day.  Steve also is our show chairperson and I am sure I can get him to talk about our upcoming Spring Show at Renninger’s Farmer’s Market on May 7 from 9 AM to 3 PM.  This show was such a huge success last year for both our craftsmen and our customers that we are doing it again this year just for you!  “Your Berks Craftsmen” will air on Wednesday, March 16, 2022, at 7:00 PM on Comcast.   If you don’t have Comcast, you can watch it on your computer at and it will be on “YouTube” the next day.  You can also watch it on our website at in a day or two after the initial airing.

See you soon,

“Your Berks Craftsmen” Host,
Kay Bennecoff


The next jury session is scheduled for Tues, March 8, 2022 at the Goggleworks. Members who have belonged to our chapter for a minimum of 3 months are eligible to present their work for jurying. The room will be open at 6:30, and jurying will begin at 7:00. Members will be asked to leave before jurying begins, and can return in 1- 1 1/2 hours for the results. Check the board at the entrance of the Goggleworks for the room #. For more information or for an application, go to or contact Louise at Any Standards Committee member who can’t attend, please let me know.


Standards Chair,  Louise Mehaffey


As of the January State Guild Report, the Reading-Berks chapter has 146 Members.

This is a reminder that for those who have ordered badges from me at the Kutztown Holiday show, I have them in and you can pick them up at a Reading-Berks Guild meeting.

*** For those new members who have not received badges yet, connect with me at a meeting and I will make sure you are in the next batch for ordering.

If you are having issues with your clip breaking on the back of your current badge, see me at a meeting for a fix.  I have replacement alligator clips for small charge of 70 cents.

Membership Chair,  Gary Rosborough 


Four (4) Mini Grants, in the amount of $50 each will be awarded in April, 2022.  If more than 4 applications are received, a random drawing will be held to determine the recipients at either a general or board meeting. More details may be found on the application.

Applications must be received by April 5.  Those received after April 5, 2022, will not be considered.

Education Chair,  Carol Haile

Kutztown Folk Festival Volunteers:

Join the Welcome Center

You can volunteer at the Welcome Center for 3 hour blocks of time each day during the Kutztown Folk Festival, July 2 through July 10, 2022 from 9 AM to 6 PM.  You could wear your Reading-Berks Guild badge, hat, have brochures or information about out Guild available and our group will be featured on the Kutztown Folk Festival Welcome Board for that week.    You will greet visitors, hand out maps and answer questions.  AND most of all, HAVE FUN!.  Training will be provided.  Each volunteer will receive TWO FREE FOLK FESTIVAL tickets to use during the week too!  Contact Heather Zimmerman to schedule your time slot.  Email: or call 610-683-1537


General Meetings: (1st Tuesday of Month):

March 1, 2022, 7 PM:   General Meeting at the GoggleWorks (check the board for room number)

April 5, 2022, 7 PM:   General Meeting at the GoggleWorks

May 3, 2022, 7 PM:  General Meeting at the GoggleWorks

Note:  If we cancel our general meeting due to bad weather, etc, it will be posted on our website: by 4:00 PM the day of the meeting.


May 7, 2022, 9 AM to 3 PM:   Spring Show at Renninger’s in Kutztown, PA

The editor apologizes to Gary Rosborough for leaving out the Membership report last month.

If you would like something added to our next Newsletter,  please contact your editor:  Sandra Jones at