President’s Message:
Summertime is almost here and I want you to make it the best one ever. If there is something that you have wanted to do and haven’t done it, go for it. Don’t think you can’t, just do it.
Right now I am out at the Kutztown Fairgrounds preparing for The Kutztown Folk Festival. I am working with a great group of young men from Kutztown University who were anxious to land this as a summer job and that’s what it was to them…..a summer job. However as the weeks have gone by, they have learned so much about this event and what is involved in preparing for it that they now realize they themselves are creative and they never thought of themselves in that way. And how rewarded they feel. They can’t wait to see the finished product and experience it.
We as craftsmen and artists understand this. So enjoy Summer and share your talent of creativity with others.
Hope to see you on Tuesday at the home of the Vardjan’s for our summer picnic. This is always a great event and a fabulous way to start the summer. This is our kick off to make it the best one ever.
“The mind is like a parachute, it works best when it is open.” Frank Zappa
Your President,
Barry L. Bennecoff |