President’s Message:

Autumn is just around the corner and we are hoping for some cooler and drier weather.  Harvest Fest at the Pennsylvania German Heritage Center is on September 22; please come out and check out your heritage at this beautiful time of year. And soon it will begin to look a lot like Christmas– Our Holiday Fine Arts and Craft Festival is November 3 and 4, 2018.  Don’t forget to get your application in for this show.  Go to our website and mail it in.  The show committee has been working hard and has put into action some new and great advertising for our 69th year of our fine arts and crafts festival.   Yeah, we hit the big times.  Advertising on TV.  Stay tuned.   Also Butcher Marofel, fellow craftsman, has graciously volunteered to make a gift for our first 50 customers through the door each day.  Our wonderful craftsmen, the entertainment, the food, great venue, all will make this event a wonderful shopping experience for our patrons.
Come out to our meetings, the first Tuesday of most months at 7:00 PM at the Goggleworks.  This is your guild.  We value you our fellow craftsmen and value your input and your friendship.  There will be a meeting at our holiday show on Sunday November 4 at 9:00 AM and our election of officers will be held there.  No meeting at the Goggleworks in November.

Never tell people how to do things.  Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.”  George S. Patton
Your President,  Barry L. Bennecoff

November 3rd & 4th

Holiday Show:

The Show committee is working hard to make this Holiday Show one of the best; if not, the best ever!   We will be advertising on Comcast for the first time this year to bring in new customers.
We appreciate all who have already sent in their applications for the show, but we know there are a few of you out there that have not applied yet.   Send in your application with a post mark before October 1 to avoid the late fee and extra work for the show committee.    Come to the Sunday, November 4th General Meeting, held at 9 AM at the show to hear about Saturday’s gate and an incentive to active members for next year’s show.
Thank you so very much,
Terry & Judy Boyer, Show Chairs
484-650-7500 home
610-401-5770 cell

Apply Now


“Your Berks Craftsmen”  September edition will feature Judy and Terry Boyer and a few craftsmen who will be enticing our viewing audience about our 69th Annual Holiday Fine Arts and Craft Festival that will be held on November 3 and November 4 at Kutztown University.  Something big is happening at BCTV in October and it is Octoberfest Auction.  This is a really big fundraiser for our friend, BCTV.  So please bring in one of your beautiful craft items and I will take it into the studio for the auction.  Steve Hunter and I will be helping at the auction on Thursday, October 18.  I cannot emphasize enough how important this auction is to BCTV and to donate an item that  you make is a great way to help them out.  A real plus for you the craftsman is you get some great publicity.  Steve and I will talk about your donation on air and plus it gets put on their website prior to the auction.  Thank you so much for all your donations.  Reading-Berks Guild of Craftsmen are the best!
I am, sincerely,
Your BCTV host,  Kay Bennecoff


Our program will feature Troy Boyer. He will be giving a slide presentation and talk about making buttons and combs from steer horns. Troy has stepped into in his grandfathers foot steps by continuing the work that he started. Troy’s grandfather, Atlee Crouse, was  a former Berks Guild member before his passing.
Troy Boyer, the presenter, was the first Executive Director of the Pennsylvania German Society and a director of the Historical Society of the Cocalico Valley.

Programs  Chair, Matt Vardjan


Calling all Student Artisans and Emerging Artists!
Join us in our Student Gallery at our upcoming Holiday Show, Nov. 3 & 4, to showcase and sell your items.  Free table to students of all ages!

Check out our website for more information.  Members, please share with Student or Emerging Artist that you know!
                                                                  Carol Haile, Education Chair

Student Application


Our next jury session will be September 11th.

Standards  Chair, Louise Mehaffey

Get Juried

For Sale:

For sale: a set of 24 sectional panels for sale, these may be covered with fabric for shows. 8 of the (bottom) pieces are 38×40”, middle sections are 38×36. When joined panels are 6’ high. With included extensions (top), each panel display area is 7and 1/2 ft high as shown in photo.  They come complete with two types of legs and the necessary hardware.  They have been used inside only and contain no rust. They fit together easily and quickly. I am asking $200.00 for the set.

Thank you,
Joan Dunham


General Meetings:
September 4th: 7 PM GoggleWorks
October 2nd:     7 PM GoggleWorks
November 4th:   9 AM at the Holiday Show, KU Field house
(note: no meeting on Nov. 6th)
December 4th:   Holiday Party, Location to be announced

Holiday Festival:  November 3rd & 4th, KU Field house

Board Elections:
November 4th: 9 AM at the Holiday Show

Gloria J. Heere:

Gloria J. Heere, 84, of Maidencreek Township, passed away Monday, July 9, 2018 at 6:18 pm in Reading Hospital. She was the wife of Leslie H. Heere. Born in Laureldale, Mrs. Heere was the daughter of the late LeRoy G. and Blanche A. (Kline) Steininger. She was a 1951 graduate of Muhlenberg High School and a 1952 graduate of Raylon Beauty School. Mrs. Heere was a member of Alsace Lutheran Church. She was the owner of Gloria Heere Beauty Salon at 422 Jefferson Street, Hyde Park from 1956 to 1993 and subsequently from 1979 to present worked as a porcelain artist for 39 years. Mrs. Heere was a former secretary and member of the Muhlenberg Arts Board; Lead Player with Reading Civic Opera; former President and founder of Muhlenberg Community Chorus; a paid soloist at Christ Episcopal Church; was involved in Berks Grand Opera; lead player for Bicentennial play; a member of the Choir and Sunday School Teacher at Alsace Lutheran Church; sang professionally, locally as Gloria Lynn with Frank Lloyd and modeled locally and did television commercials and documentaries.
In addition to her husband, Mrs. Heere is survived by her sons Craig Allen Heere, husband of Lisa Heere of Sunbury, Ohio and Brian Scott Heere of Wyomissing and her grandchildren David, Amanda, Katie and Daniel. She is also survived by her brother Richard L. Steininger of Alsace Township.

In lieu of flowers contributions may be made to Alsace Lutheran Church for an Angel in memory of Mrs. Gloria J. Heere, 2201 Kutztown Road, Reading, PA 19605.