Hello to all,
Judy and I hope you all are having a good summer.
The Holiday Show Committee is finalizing all of the advertising for this year’s 70th Holiday Show at KU. There are a lot of things that we have planned for this 70th anniversary year. Can you believe it has been 70 years?
I’m working on the floor plan as we speak and trying to wrap things up by Oct. 1st. After Sept 1st, there will be a $20.00 late fee. I truly suggest that you get your application in soon to save your booth from last year and save $20.00.
Speaking of 70th year, Judy and I were born 69 years ago. We were meant for each other, in a good way. Next May, we will turn 70 years old. We have been telling the Committee we will not continuing being the Show Chairs after we turn 70. So this job will be ending for us. We are moving to South Carolina on Sept. 30th. We are looking for new people to pick up the job at hand and to continue the show for another 70 years.
It’s been a great ride for us doing the show for 16 years.
Thanks to all,
Your Show Chairs, Judy and Terry Boyer |