President’s Message:

It is September and that means one thing; the 70th annual Holiday Fine Art and Craft Festival by The Reading Berks Guild of Craftsmen is only two months away.  So if you have not sent in your application, please do so immediately.  We don’t want you to miss out on this great event.  You, the members of Reading Berks Guild, are what make this show the best it can be!  So We Need You!  This is a great venue, great parking for our patrons, great entertainment, café dining, great weekend to start Holiday Shopping.  The show committee has been working diligently and has put together some great advertising.  This is Judy and Terry Boyer’s last year as co-chairpersons for this show and they have put their heart and soul into this one.  Let’s show our appreciation to them for all their hard work this year and years past and make this 70th year the biggest and best it can be.  Again, it is all up to you, our members.   I have been checking our vendor list and I am so pleased to see several of our retired craftsmen signed up for this show.  It means they just can’t stay away and I couldn’t be more pleased.  Welcome Back!
We know as summer comes to an end, we know that craft show season is upon us.     We had a fun social event at the Belly café in the Goggleworks last month and it was at this meeting that we announced that we, the Reading Berks Guild of Craftsmen are doing some pop up shows.  This is a newer trend in the craft world and we want to be part of it.  This is a new venue for us; it is also in Kutztown.  It will be December 7 at Renninger’s Market in The White Room and its annex.  It is the same day as Christmas on the Farm at the Heritage Center and we will be promoting our presence at both of these great venues.  It is happening and Kutztown will be the place to be.    We are looking to do “First Saturdays” at Renninger’s in February, March, and April 2020.  Stay tuned for more information on this exciting adventure for our Guild.
So come out to the general meeting on Tuesday, September 3 and hear for yourself what is happening.
Don’t just come out and hear; come out and get involved.  Share your ideas and thoughts and tell us what you would like to see happen.  This meeting and the October meeting are the last two meetings to get your name in for the drawing of a free booth at the Holiday Show.  Also Tuesday would be a great night to bring a donation for the BCTV auction which is happening in October.  A donation is a good thing in two ways.  It helps BCTV and people see your product just before our Holiday Show.  What a win-win situation for all!
A compromise is an agreement whereby both parties get what neither of them wanted.”  Author Unknown.
Your President,  Barry L. Bennecoff

On November 2nd & 3rd, we will be celebrating our 70th Annual Holiday Festival.   This is an event not to miss!  Bring your filled in Application to the September meeting to avoid the late fee.

Apply Now

Show Volunteers:

We need Gate Volunteers!

If you (or a responsible relative) have an hour or two to spare, please consider being a volunteer at our upcoming Holiday Show, Nov. 2-3, at Kutztown University.

We need people to be Greeters or to help at the Admissions and Raffle Tables, especially on Saturday morning, Nov. 2.

Contact Carol Haile ( or call 610-374-7048) for more information.

Thank you!

                                                         Carol Haile, Show volunteers

Pop-Up Show:

Santa’s Secret Shoppe

A Holiday Pop-Up at Renninger’s Farmers’ Market

740 Noble Street, Kutztown PA 19530

Saturday, December 7, 2019
9 AM to 4 PM

Set up: Friday, December 6, 1 PM to 6 PM
or Saturday, December 7, 7AM to 8:30 AM

Deadline November 1

Application can be found at: Santa’s Secret Shop

Note:  This will appear in your downloads, having issues with this: please contact and I will e-mail you a copy.


Thank you to everyone who has made a most generous donation to our favorite TV station, BCTV, for their Octoberfest auction.  This is a one- time event each year when we can make a craft donation to help BCTV reach their financial goal.  Thursday, October 17 will be craft night.  You can bring in your donation to Tuesday night’s meeting, drop it off at BCTV or you can bring it to next month’s general meeting.  I will get it to the studio for you.
“Your Berks Craftsmen” in September will feature our Co-chairpersons, Judy and Terry Boyer and their guests.  The show will feature several makers and artists who will be at the 70th Annual Holiday and Fine Art Festival.  This is a show you will not want to miss!  Thanks again to our viewing audience,  I couldn’t do it without you!
Your BCTV host,  Kay Bennecoff


Our program this month will be Vicky Heffner with a presentation by education curator of the berks history center, presenting:

Native Indians have been living in Berks county for perhaps as long is 16,000 years. The Lenape were the native Indians living here when the colonial settlers arrived. Learn  more about their culture and history.

December is our Holiday Social and I will have a sign up sheet at the September, October and November meetings.  You may also sign up on the website:  Holiday Social

                                                         Programs  Chair, Matt Vardjan


The next jury session is scheduled for Tues, Sept 10 at the Goggleworks. Members who have belonged to our chapter for a minimum of 3 months are eligible to present their work for jurying. The room will be open at 6:30, and jurying will begin at 7:00. Check the board at the entrance of the Goggleworks for the room #. For more information or for an application, go to or contact Louise at

Standards  Chair, Louise Mehaffey

Get Juried


General Meetings: (1st Tuesday of Month)
September 3rd:   7 PM GoggleWorks
October 1st:  7 PM GoggleWorks
November 3rd:  9 AM KU Field House
November 5th:  No Meeting, see Nov. 3rd.
December 3:  Holiday Social at Yellow House, for details and to sign up visit:  Holiday Social 

Holiday Festival:  November 2nd and 3rd, KU Field house
Santa’s Secret Shoppe: December 7th, 9 AM to 4 PM at Renninger’s Farmers’ Market

Happy Labor Day!

Want to add something to next month’s Newsletter

If you would like something added to our Newsletter,  please contact Sandra Jones at