President’s Message
I think I will have a talk with Mr. Ground Hog and Mother Nature. Their communication skills leave a lot to be desired. One week it feels like Spring and the next week we are experiencing an Arctic Chill.
Our February program certainly got us all in the mood for Spring and planting. For those who missed it, please read this whole newsletter for more information on that show. Our March program is of special interest for our craftsmen and artists, so read Amy’s article below.
Our first jury session for 2025 will be on Tuesday, March 4. This is always a very special night for our Guild. Our Standards committee looks forward to these nights, and I know the craftsmen and artists up for jurying that night are very excited and probably just a little nervous. I know I certainly was but soon came to realize that The Reading-Berks Guild is here to help and advise the talented artists and craftsmen in every way they can.
Our Spring Festival is shaping up nicely. As stated above, having the conversation with Mr. Ground Hog and Mother Nature, I am hoping for a beautiful Spring Day on Saturday, May 3, 2025. Just a reminder…Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 11.
Our Pennsylvania Guild of Craftsmen is holding a Chapter Officers Meeting March 22, 2025, in Lancaster. It will be in person or through Zoom. Officers, please inform Denise Wilz and myself if you are planning to attend.
I look forward to seeing lots of our members on March 4 at our meeting. Until then,
“Without music, life is a journey through a desert.” – Pat Conroy
Your President,
Barry L. Bennecoff
We’re looking forward to gathering at the Goggleworks on Tuesday, March 4th to meet Jacquie Engel, Executive Director of the Walk In Art Center in Schuylkill Haven. She will inform us about funding and apprenticeship opportunities for folk artists that the RBGC can take advantage of. You can preview the Grant Opportunities that Jacquie will discuss. Come out and support her and her efforts to keep folk arts alive and pass them on to future generations!
Wall in Arts Center Schuylkill Haven
At our February 4th meeting, we had a great discussion on native plants and how they can grace the spaces around you; whether that’s your yard, a church, or an area that needs to be beautified. Peruse the Slideshow a place to ask questions.
We also spoke about the Pennsylvania Interfaith Power and Light’s initiative to plant 10 million trees. Sign up for this FREE, yes, FREE Tree Initiative
Did you apply for a mini-grant? You can’t win if you don’t apply. 4 winners will be randomly selected at the April meeting. Applicants must be present to win and will receive their grant check at the meeting.
Program Chair,
Amy Langman
Spring Show
As you are well aware, our Spring Show is quickly approaching. This is an easy and fun show to do. It’s a good time to get your craft sorted out and sell a few items.
The Application on our web site and is the first of the new wave of E-services into which we plan to expand. You, as a RB-guild member, can fill out the application and be included in under a minute. Remember: this is an outdoor show, under a roof, and anything can happen. We are planing for sunshine and good sales but…
This application is only available on the web site. Offers to help on our facebook page are scams, but that’s another story.
Volunteering. Why did you join our guild? I like to think of the guild as a co-op. It’s a group of like-minded folks. It’s a we – not a them or you – group. We do things together that help everyone in the group. Many of the things we do help expose our crafts to the local community. This also introduces up-coming craftsmen and students to opportunities to sell their work.
Running the Fall Holiday Show requires hundreds of volunteer hours. This does not include all the hours that the show committee puts in each year. Show committee members, as a group, do at least 90 volunteer hours during the year, and most put in 5 to 20 more hours during the show.
Why do you need to know this information? I am asking each and every guild member to step up and do something for the guild. We will be posting a detailed list of jobs that need to be done at this year’s fall show. We like your dues however we need your time. Be a we not a me.
Show Chair,
Steve Hunter
Social Media
Facebook and Instagram
We’re starting to promote the artisans that will be attending our Spring Show on May 3, 2025. Please help us to spread the word by Liking and Sharing our Spring Show Event, and our Artisan Posts.
- On Facebook see Reading-Berks Guild Spring Show Event
- On Facebook see Reading-Berks Guild Artisan Posts
- On Instagram see Reading-Berks Guild
Artisan Spotlight
If you are a juried member of the Reading-Berks Guild of Craftsmen, we would like to promote you on our Facebook page with an Artisan Spotlight. The Artisan Spotlight is a post all about you, and can include links to your website or other sites, like Facebook, Etsy, or Instagram. You will also be able to share it on your page. Request a questionnaire or an interview, and we’ll reach out to you.
WE NEED YOUR IMAGES! – Yes, we’re shouting because great photos help us promote your work! Please email your images to to as soon as possible. Huge thanks to those who have already sent theirs—we appreciate it!
Thank you
Lisa Short,
Social Media Chair
”Your Berks Craftsmen” is everywhere! Tell your friends, neighbors, and family. You are going to be a Star!
In March, we will be recording our “Your Berks Craftsmen” with some of our talented artists and craftsmen who will be at our Spring Festival at Renninger’s Farmers’ Market under the Pavilion on Saturday, May 3, 2025. This is a show you will not want to miss.
Also in March, I will be showing a really fun time that we recorded this past Summer with Patrick Donmoyer, Eric Claypoole, Sara Edris, and Andrew Shirk, all artists who paint barn stars. The stories they tell will have you laughing while learning about hex signs and barn stars. “Your Berks Craftsmen” airs every Wednesday night at 7:00 PM.
Find BCTV on air and online:
- Comcast Reading Channel 15
- Comcast-Southern Berks Channel 965
- Service Electric Channel 19
Both channels are streaming online 24-7 at
- BCTV is available on Roku, search for BCTV Berks – HOW TO VIDEO
- You Tube Channel
- Access Your Berks Craftsmen directly.
Your Host of “Your Berks Craftsmen”,
Kay L. Bennecoff
Jurying for new members to the Reading Berks Guild of Craftsmen will be held on Tuesday March 4, 2025 at the Goggle Works in Room 325.
The room will be open at 5:30 for set up, and jurying will begin at 6:00. Prospective members will be asked to leave the room during jurying and can return in 30 minutes for the results. All prospective members must belong to the Reading Berks of Craftsmen for at least 3 months.
I will be sending reminders to the 3 artisans that have signed up to be juried. The 3 artisans will be bringing wet felting, dolls and mice with handmade vintage accessories, and art quilts. In addition, others are submitting work for consideration for our Spring 2025 Show. I will be at the Spring Show and will talk to them about becoming members of our Guild.
I will also send out reminders to Standard Committee members for the jury time and date.
Any member of the committee who cannot attend, please let me know.
Click for more information or an application
Standards Chairperson,
Diane Phalen
The State Guild website currently shows that there are 150 members of the Reading-Berks Guild chapter.
Basic information about joining/renewing your Membership for the Guild:
- The Reading-Berks Guild is a chapter of the Pennsylvania Guild of Craftsmen, so you will need to renew or join the Guild directly through the PGC state office. Membership Renewal
- If there is any confusion or problem renewing or joining, you can call Erika at the PGC store at 717-431-8706. Erika is the Membership person and is very helpful and knowledgeable.
- When you join the PGC, you are able to join a chapter for no extra cost. It is IMPORTANT to choose the Reading-Berks chapter so that you can get the extra benefits of our Guild chapter.
The PGC store is located at 335 N. Queen Street, Lancaster, PA 17603
Store hours:
- Sunday & Monday – Closed
- Tuesday – Saturday – 10am-5pm
- First Fridays of the month – 10am-8pm
Are you missing out on an opportunity to show your work on the internet? Did you know that when you become a member of the Guild, you can add a picture of your work to the web site? Check out the user guide here for how to update your page.
Membership Chair,
Gary Rosborough
General Meetings
(1st Tuesday of Month)
- March 4, 2025 at 7 PM at the Goggle Works, check the board for room number
- Spring Show: First Saturday in May.
- This year May 3, 2025.
Artisans Wanted Historic Schaefferstown
- Annual Cherry Fair on June 28, 2025 from 10 AM – 4 PM
- Harvest Fair on September 13, 2025 from 10 AM – 4 PM and September 14, 2025 from 11:30 AM – 4 PM.
- Both Festivals are held on the beautiful Alexander Schaeffer Farm in Schaefferstown, PA. Please call 717-949-2244 or email Historic Schaefferstown for more information.
If you would like to put something in the Newsletter, please contact us at
Newsletter Editor,
Nancy Vardjan