May 2017 Update

May 2nd, that’s right, Tuesday night is the Reading-Berks Guild of Craftsmen’s May’s General Meeting. The program will be Keith Brintzenhoff on PA Dutch Folklore. Keith is an expert on Pennsylvania German music, dance, instruments and folklore. He...

Reading-Berks Guild of Craftsmen’s General Meeting is on Tuesday, April 4th at 7 PM at the GoggleWorks in room 238 (our new meeting room).  Our program will be our newly juried members. The mini-grant drawing will be held, for those of you who applied for a...

Jury Session March 2017

Jury Session is reschedule to March 21st at 6:30 PM, Room 325 at the GoggleWorks.  You must pre-register to be juried. The rescheduling is due to the weather prediction of snow on the 14th.  
Next Meeting February 7th

Next Meeting February 7th

Programs: February 7, 2017, 7 PM at the GoggleWorks: We will be taking another trip to Key West with the Ballantyne’s. A new topic requested by members….Can you guess what it is? March’s program will feature Glen Wenrich on Canal history and lore....