Watch our craftsmen while they work. They will walk you through the steps behind Theorem Painting, Floral Art, Polymer clay Jewelry, Wood Carving and much more. Demonstrations run all day. Ask any of our Artisans questions about their work.
Scheduled Demonstrations
Linda D. Beiler: Wheat Weaving
Susan J. Birchall: Decorative Painting
Judy M. Boyer: Floral Pressed Art
Michael Brown: Paper Mache
Kathy S. Dinsmore: Weaving
Joan Dunham: Theorem Painting
Mary Rose Feldman: Paper Flowers
John Fugelso: Treenware
Debra Hammond: Basketry
Megan Horan: Bead Weaving-Jewelry
Cloud McCleod: Clay Art
Friday Nelson: Wire Warping-Jewlry
Nice Knitters of Muhlenberg: Knitting
Janice E. Sonnen: Penny Rugs
Jefferson Stokes: Early American Painting
Gina Struebel: Wire Sculpted Jewelry
Nick Zdinak: Pysanky
Caitlin Bodner: Soy Candles
Rachel Yoder: Fraktur