On this page you’ll find recent news releases and a small preview of our shows. High resolution photos for publication can be found on our Google Drive. Any questions or interest in stories related to our programming or festivals, please contact us.
May 2022 Press Release
RBGC May 2022 press release
September 2021 Newsletter
President's Message: As we say good-bye to Summer and head into the beautiful colors of Autumn and the cool, crisp air, take a moment to enjoy this time and then get back into your studios to continue to prepare for our annual 71st Holiday Fine Art and Craft Festival...
June 2021 Newsletter
President's Message: This message is brought to you by “Nothing but good news” this month. So please, please, keep on reading! Steve Hunter and his show committee hit a home run on May 1. It was a great event. Congratulations! So you may as well put it on your...