President’s Message:

As I am writing this message to you, I am feeling very lucky that all we had was rain because if it had been snow, I am sure I would be digging us out of some really big snow drifts.  I do believe that Spring is just ahead.

I am sure we all have been working this winter on our craft and enjoy the process of what we dream become real from our hands.   As craftsmen and makers, we indulge our minds and hands in works that we truly are passionate about.  And then we get to share our passion with our customers.  What joy it brings to the creator and the recipient.  Such joy of creation was recently  seen and judged by some of our members of The Reading-Berks Guild of Craftsmen at the Berks County Intermediate Unit’s Art Show here at the Goggleworks last week.  The awards ceremony will take place on Sunday, March 1, at 1:30 PM.  We will be presenting to 14 students our Stanley Seltz awards. And now for the exciting news—you will be able to view this fantastic show on Tuesday, March 3, 2020 at 7:00 PM at our general meeting.  We will be meeting in the SlyFox Cafe’ at the Goggleworks and touring the Student Art Show.  You can order food and drink at your own expense in the cafe’.    Don’t forget our third “First Saturday” will take place at Renninger’s Farmers’ Market on Saturday, March 7.  These pop up shows are catching on in popularity but we do have space for more vendors.  Dates should be coming our next month for our 2020 Holiday Fine Art and Craft Festival; the weekend event will be either October 31 and November 1 or November 7 and November 8, 2020.    Applications will be on website as soon as we know the date.

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”  Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Your President,  Barry L. Bennecoff


In March “Your Berks Craftsmen” will be hosted by Carol Haile as she takes us on a tour of the Berks County Intermediate Unit Art Show at the GoggleWorks.  You will go on a delightful tour with Carol and most exciting, see and meet some of the students who are the recipients of our Stanley Seltz Student awards.  These award winning students will talk about their technique and inspiration with Carol.  If you do not get Comcast, you can view “Your Berks Craftsmen” on, on “youtube” or on our website: BCTV host,  Kay Bennecoff


We need photos! Photographs of your work are used in ads, on facebook and various other ways. We keep a file of all the photos submitted, but we can’t keep using the same ones every year, and many of them don’t have a high enough resolution. The size is very important. For facebook, both height and width must be a minimum of 600 pixels, and more is better. For print, even higher resolution is required. Images are chosen based on the quality of the image, its proportion (vertical or horizontal) and whether the image is appropriate.   They can be emailed to   Please consider sending new ones!Show Committee (Steve Hunter chair)


This month’s program will be a tour of the student awards that where judged on Friday February 21. The students are the future of the Guild! See what the Judges awarded and why we gave the said awards! We will be meeting at the Den by Sly Fox, which is on the first floor of the Goggle Works. Walk in past the elevators back to the counter and tables and grab something to eat end drink. The program will start at 7:00, so show-up a little early to order your food and drink. There where many great crafts and art work produced by the students which made our choices difficult! See you at the DEN!

See their full menu here:

Programs  Chair, Matt Vardjan


The Reading-Berks Guild of Craftsmen’s 2020 Stanley G. Seltz Student Award winners are:

Devin Stark, Oley Valley, $100

Karen Mendoza, Wilson, $100

Dayana Arana, Schuylkill Valley, $100

Alyssa Anuszewski, Gov. Mifflin, $100
No photo available at this time

Sacha Joseph, Fleetwood, $100

1st Prize Fine Arts: Morgan Lease, Gov. Mifflin, $100

2nd Prize Fine Arts: Kimberly Santos, Muhlenberg, $75

3rd Prize Fine Arts: Lily Dang, Schuylkill Valley, $50

1st Prize Crafts: Elizabeth Diehl, Kutztown, $100

2nd Prize Crafts: Madina Mavlonova, Boyertown, $75

3rd Prize Crafts: Quinn Knepper, Conrad Weiser, $50

4th Prize Crafts: Kevin Bartosh, Fleetwood, $25

Awards of Merit:
Mikah Rogers, Fleetwood

Kaitlin Creswell, Daniel Boone

The awards presentation ceremony for the BCIU High School Annual Arts Exhibit will take place on March 1, from 1-3 p.m., in the Cohen Gallery, first floor, GoggleWorks.  The exhibit will remain open to the publicuntil March 8.

Additional notes: The Wib Lauter Award for Best Traditional Work was not awarded this year.  Devin Stark’s exceptionally wonderful pottery (for which he is being awarded our highest prize – The Stanley G. Seltz Award for
Outstanding Achievement in Design and Craftsmanship) raised the bar quite high.  We felt no other traditional work at the exhibit rose anywhere near that level.

STILL TIME to APPLY for the 2020 Mini-Grant!

Education Chair, Carol Haile


The next jury session is scheduled for Tues, March 10 at the Goggleworks. Members who have belonged to our chapter for a minimum of 3 months are eligible to present their work for jurying. The room will be open at 6:30, and jurying will begin at 7:00. Members will be asked to leave before jurying begins, and can return in 1- 1 1/2 hours for the results. Any Standards Committee member who can’t attend, please let me know. Check the board at the entrance of the Goggleworks for the room #. For more information or for an application, go to or contact Louise at

Standards  Chair, Louise Mehaffey

Get Juried


General Meetings: (1st Tuesday of Month)
At each general meeting there is a drawing for a chance to be in the final drawing for a free booth at the Holiday Festival — Increase your chances by coming to all of the meetings!

March1: 7 PM at theGoggleWorks, Program: Social at the DEN and BCIU display of student’s work.

April 7: 7 PM at the GoggleWorks, Program: Newly Juried Members

Holiday Festival:  TBD (either Oct. 31 & Nov. 1 or Nov. 7 & 8). KU Field house

Want to add something to next month’s Newsletter

If you would like something added to our Newsletter,  please contact Sandra Jones at